What Makes a Face


A few weeks ago, let’s say no less than three I was really sad. Like, more than I’d normally like to admit to anyone who doesn’t know my temperament to grief and loss already. I’m still pretty lost in the sauce regarding Phantom dying two years ago. I like to say that grief is a mountain; some analogy I picked from this article - In short, Imagine that everyone suffering from this grief are all at the top of a mountain, but you all have broken bones, so you can’t help each other. You each have to find your own way down.

I think about that every day, healing isn’t linear. It didn’t hit me until the first year, then another goes by and its heaviness looms and then blankets me like a fog. I cry hard, have a puffy face for a day or so, then carry on crawling down the mountain. It’s harder this year, I’m unemployed again and Tyson was out of town for the full week. I was stuck on the mountain again. I don’t have the secure, close friend group that I imagined having this late in life. There are so many losses I grieve for, the many lives I could have lived and maybe enjoyed had I been encouraged to believe in my own magic instead of it being slowly siphoned from me.

I guess that’s why when I was bundled, sad, watching Dawson’s Creek that scrolling Instagram finally paid off for all those skin care advertisers. My FYP squealing at delight to show off the status quo of Korean skincare that was meant for women over 40, looking to invest in themselves and take a chance on their self-esteem. Needless to say I filled my Amazon basket as I researched and read about what may or may not work for my combo skin prone to hormonal acne. Days later a big bag of lotions and potions showed up. here is what I received.

Each is linked to Amazon.


Oh Hello There